Sunday, June 6, 2010

Corpus Christi (Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ)

I think of your body

as the air rushing through

this silver engine of a heart.

I think of your body

as a swarm of bees,

a flash of gold,

a sting under my breast.

I think of your body

as all those broken windows

along our street. shattered

glass underfoot.

I think of your body

as the absence of hot water.

I think of your body

as the starry inside of a fig,

of a watermelon, of an apple.

I think of your body

as shoes that will never

match my dresses and

I do not care.

I think of your body

as approaching thunder,

as the water that pelts the sill.

I think of your body

as a lost saint.

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